I'm excited to announce I'll be instructing at Yavapai College in Prescott this year. We are part of the Art department and the curriculum includes: Wood Art 1, Wood Art 2, and Advanced Projects. There are also a great turning program and cabinetmaking classes at the college as well. This summer, during break, we will be continuing the renovation of the Wood Art building. This will be a phased project which began in December with the addition of additional space which became our new bench room and lumber yard. This next phase will include removing several walls and repositioning of the equipment in our machine room, as well as a complete electrical upgrade. Hope to see you in class next semester!

I'm excited to have two pieces included in "Wood Art Today" by author Dona Z. Meilach. The beautiful 256 page hard bound book is published by Schiffer.

Watch me build a "Modirondack" chair on HGTV's Modern Masters show, episode #801. The original episode aired in May and November of 2003. It has also run on The Fine Living Channel in 2007..

Behind the Scenes Pictures
Link to HGTV's Modern Masters
HGTV _M o d e r n _ M a s t e r s
by Bruce Burman, with a grant from the Winston Churchill Trust. Bruce, an amazing person and incredible woodworker, shares his findings in the April and May issues of "Furniture and Cabinet Making," the UK's premire woodworking magazine. We all stand to learn much through the sharing involved in this type of study and we should take note of how the fine craftsmen and women across the sea continue
N o ww I n wP r i n t
In January of 2004 we participated in a study on furniture makers. The study, conducted
their tradition of fine craftsmanship.
U K_S t u d y

Private instruction also available at Studio Jovanni. Contact us for arrangements.

Studio Jovanni Instruction
Yavapai College
I n s t r u c t i o n: C o l l e g e & P r i v a t e